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June 25th 13.08
Today I placed all the tags on the chosen selfiespots. It was fun. But I was also scared somehow. Of the police. Last night I couldn’t sleep and kept fantasizing about spending a night in jail because no police officer could speak English so I wouldn’t be able to explain that it’s only chalkspray, not permanent paint…. I even checked on the spray can for a Czech language description of the contents…
But apart from being chased away by a security guard at a shopping mall, everything went smoothly. Some people were curious and asked what I was up to. One Asian girl came up to me offering me wet tissues to clean my hands, so sweet. So now it’s all set … people can fetch a flyer from the Dutch exhibition space in the palace at Karlova 189, or from our Outpost Truck (at Rytírská 10) and do the tour. A tour that is the opposite of other touristic walks.
Looking for selfie spots at places they’d normally never look, forgetting Prague’s stunning beauty on their way to the next spot? That would be great. A real backstage tour.
So is this what I’ve made? A tour for people offering them chosen frames in which they, themselves are the performers. I guess I have …
And I hope that people put their pictures on instagram #selfiespotprague….
Tomorrow I’ll be walking around, visiting different spots, explaining the project to people and taking pictures of it.