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working in public space

Talking in Town is a series of three public talks about the relation between scenography and the public domain.



These talks take place somewhere in Prague at one of the many ‘found stages’ the city has to offer. A moderator will lead the discussions. Guests will be the artists and designers who on behalf of The Netherlands are taking part in Between Realities. But also artists from other countries who are publicly active during the PQ join in as well as several experts who have been invited to speak on this theme. The talks are open to the public.


Talking in Town I: Staging in public space starts from the question what it means to stage work in public space. What strategies and tools do makers and designers use when working in public space? What are the possibilities? What are the challenges and limitations? And, very importantly, who precisely is your public?


Moderator: Tobias Kokkelmans (dramaturge)


Guests: Martijn Engelbregt (visual artist), Florian de Visser (designer), Hieke Pars (visual artist), Julian Hetzel (performance maker), and Maiju Loukola (curator Finland)


Photo: Tineke de Lange