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In different part of Prague’s public space a big white balloon will appear for a short period, ‘Object Of Emergency 12# – PARACHUTE & BLOWER’. A temporary non-space alternating the passengers route, filling narrow alleys or covering a bench. Means to interrupt dialogue and making a visual ‘HALT’ in the streets for the numerous bodies that crowd this space, temporarily attempting to take control of public space.
Since 2010 Eva Schippers has been working on a growing archive of images, stories and objects that touch upon the notion of ‘emergency’, a broad research with different approaches to understand the mechanics of the human reaction to emergent situations. As emergency is something that should be feared ad avoided, the feeling of an emergent situation can become something to long for: A moment of clarity, realness and adrenalin. Every detail sticks in your memory in brighter colours, the rain is more wet, a bird flies by… It is all relevant and part of that moment. You have no time to think or calculate, you just are. Objects that are part of Eva’s archive will be brought to Prague to demonstrate and perform actions with them in public space. The actions and objects have the intent to engage the passant, lifting them out of their common structure for a moment with means such as mental disturbance and alternated environments.
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