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The instructions are simple: choose a color worn by a person you want to follow. As soon as the first person crosses the path of another person wearing the same color, you switch and start to follow the second person. When you swap people the seventh time you’ve reached your destination. Take a picture of where you are and open the envelope you received at the start of your trip. Learn to get lost, surrender to coincidence and surf the city.
I pick pink. A color I’d never wear. Within two minutes my sixth person crosses the path of the seventh and my surf of the city is over. Following an old lady brought me to a bakery on the Karlova. The smell in the shop is heavy with sugar and the place is crammed with tourists. I want to surf a bit more. But since I became aware of that first pink item of clothing, my aversion for the colour continues to grows. Socks, shoes, pants, shirts, jackets, scarfs; it’s everywhere.
I forget we are in Prague. I forget the city. I could be in Amsterdam, Madrid or Berlin. I just see people wearing pink. I start by observing them from a distance, but I creep up closer and closer to them. I think I’m invisible, despite -or in spite- of my camera.
Writing this I have to stop to pick up my camera and take a picture of the lady right in front of me who is taking off her pink fluorescent jacket. A girl behind her has a pink bag, and when the lady in a pink dress enters the room she removes her phone from a pink case to take a picture. The girl opposite me is wearing pink sneakers. I don’t want to look anymore.
NB: I forgot to open the envelop – tbc.